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Newsletter of the IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group #11 | January 2025 12 Photo by Michael Scholl Save Our Seas Foundation A world where sharks, rays, and chimaeras are valued and managed sustainably To secure the conservation, management and, where necessary, the recovery of the world’s sharks, rays, and chimaeras by mobilizing technical and scientific ex- pertise to provide the knowl- edge that enables action Our VisionOur Mission3 Photo by Michael Scholl Save Our Seas Foundation 4 Editorial: A note from the Chair 6 Seeing is Believing Q&A with Andy Murch 28 Sharks and NEAFC 34 Shark Spotlight: Gulf Torpedo 38 The Impacts of Tourism 56 Amazing Discoveries from 2024 62 ISRAs of Asia, Polar Waters, and New Zealand & Pacific Islands 80 Scaling Up Citizen Science for Shark & Ray Conservation 88 7 th IMCC Conference 94 26 th EEA Conference 104 5 th IUCN SSC Leaders’ Meeting 108 The CMS Sharks MOU AC4 Meeting 110 Global Status of Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras Report Editor-in-chief Michael Scholl Chief Editor Rima Jabado Associate Editor Alexandra Morata Contributing Editor Chelsea Stein 120 A New Hammerhead Shark: The Shovelbill Shark 128 Shortfalls in the Protection of ISRAs 130 Approaches for Identifying Areas of Particular Importance for Marine Biodiversity 132 Meat on the Menu and Fins for Export: Latin America’s Shark Trade with Asia 136 Ecological Erosion and Expanding Extinc- tion Risk 140 Catsharks Lay Eggs on Plastic 148 The Road Ahead for the Recovery of Oce- anic Whitetip Sharks 158 Protection efforts for an aggregation of female Bull Sharks 168 Kitefin Shark in the Guatemalan Carib- bean Sea 172 Shark and Ray Small- Scale Fishery in Guatemala 178 The Bluntnose Sixgill Shark in the Guatema- lan Caribbean Sea 180 Shark Conservation through Education Programmes 188 Discovery of the Eyebrow Wedgefish in Malaysia 198 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Update 206 Film Review: Shark- water Extinction 212 Wildlife and Ocean Fest: Dive into Conser- vation Celebrations 216 Sharks International 2026 in Colombo, Sri Lanka 224 Inclusive Coasts and Seas: Connecting Diverse Voices 226 Funding Opportunities 228 Upcoming Meetings 230 Our Sponsors and Supporters Front Cover: Australian Swellshark Cephaloscyllium laticeps in Tasmania, Australia | Back Cover: Japanese Bullhead Shark Heterodontus japonicus in Japan Photos by Andy Murch Copyright Notice | All content, information, text, materials, names, images, illustrations and visual representations (including, without limitation, from our members, partners, affili- ates, contractors, employees and representa- tives) appearing on our website (, in our publications (e.g. Shark News) or made available by us in any format (“Content”) is protected by intellectual property (“IP”) laws and may not be used, republished, retrans- mitted, reproduced, downloaded or otherwise used (except for downloading for private and non-commercial use) without the express writ- ten consent of the Chair of the IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group (SSG), author or copyright holder. This IP also extends to all trademarks appearing on the site, including the IUCN SSC SSG logo. The Content remains the exclusive property and copyright of the text authors, photographers, and illustrators in their respec- tive credits or captions. Disclaimer | The content, views and opinions expressed in the articles presented in the Shark News magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group (SSG) or its members. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the articles belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author’s employer, organization, committee or other group or individual. The designations em- ployed in this publication and the presentation of material therein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group (SSG), the Inter- national Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) or the Species Survival Commission (SSC). Proofreader Michael Scholl Rima Jabado Alexandra Morata Design & art direction Published by the IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group (SSG) Dr. Rima W. Jabado P.O. Box 29588 | Dubai United Arab Emirates Photo by Andy Murch Dear readers, The old adage that “a picture is worth a thousand words” really holds true in this issue of Shark News. You can truly immerse yourself in the stunning photographs that Andy Murch has captured on his quest to document every species of sharks, rays, and chimaeras across the globe. These in- credible images remind us not only of the breathtaking beauty of these animals but also of why we must ensure their preservation for future generations. I hope that one day I will have the chance to witness even half of these species in the wild—preferably underwater, rather than at a landing site. However, these photographs also serve as a powerful reminder of the impact humans can have when interacting with these species in their natural habitats. Our final factsheet in our series on human impacts focuses on tourism—whether it be viewing, diving, or snorkeling—and highlights the importance of codes of conduct to ensure both our safety and the safety of the sharks and rays we observe. Beyond tourism, human activities continue to affect sharks in surprising ways. For example, catsharks are now laying eggs on plastic waste like ropes and lines—showcasing how we have altered their environment in ways we may not have anticipated. As always, we are still learning about these fascinating creatures, and this issue also provides an overview of some of the coolest discoveries from the past year. We also shine a spotlight on the Central America and Caribbean region. From the discovery of a new species of hammerhead shark in Belize, to the ongoing efforts in Guatemala where surveys are expanding to remote coastal communities, we are gaining invaluable insights into the shark populations in these areas. These findings, along with education programs in India that aim to inspire young people living near the ocean to pro- tect sharks and rays, are critical for long-term conservation. Throughout this issue, you’ll find a recurring theme: the value of landing and market surveys to understand the status of sharks and how they are impacted by fisheries. Surveys in Malaysia showcase how important data on spe- cies distribution can also be gathered. Importantly, recovery efforts are now also underway for many shark species. One example is the recently published Oceanic Whitetip Shark recovery plan, which outlines clear actions to help this species rebound. It’s inspiring to see such concrete steps being taken to protect and restore shark populations. Were are also making remarkable progress with the Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRA) initiative. We have completed six ISRA re- gions, representing more than half of our ocean. Currently, the ISRA team and I are in Montevideo, Uruguay, collaborating with a dedicated group of experts to finalize delineations for the South American Atlantic and Inland Waters regions. Putting sharks on the map is not only a scientific effort but a journey of discovery, and I encourage you all to explore the ISRA eAtlas (www.sharkra- to learn more about the remarkable behaviors of these species. Soon, you’ll be able to contribute to the monitoring of ISRAs and other important areas for sharks and rays through citizen science initiatives like the PADI AWARE Foundation’s Global Shark and Ray Census. This ini- tiative, which encourages people to log their animal encounters using a simple app, will help track sites of importance and improve our knowledge of species’ behaviors and distributions. The final months of 2024 were packed with milestones, including the release of the Global Status of Sharks, Rays, and Chimaeras report. After two years of coordinating contributions from over 350 people, we’re proud to have published a comprehensive snapshot of the status of sharks, rays, and chimaeras across the globe. It’s a massive undertaking that will continue to inform policy and scientific efforts moving forward. As always, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Michael and Peter Scholl for their unwavering support in making this newsletter a reality, despite their incredibly busy schedules. And thank you all for your continued commitment to the protec- tion of sharks, rays, and chimaeras. Your passion, dedication, and efforts make all the difference in the ongoing work to ensure the survival of these incredible species. Rima A note from the Chair Rima Jabado Artwork by Keith Witmer 4Artwork by Keith Witmer Photo by Andy Murch | Australian Swellshark Cephaloscyllium laticeps in Tasmania, Australia6 Seeing is believing Japanese Butterfly Ray Gymnura japonica7 Wildlife photographer Andy Murch is on a mission to snap every shark and ray species accessible in the wild, helping to illuminate a fascinating, misunderstood, and diminishing world. Written by Chelsea Stein Seeing is believing8 In this Q&A, explore how Andy captures sharks and rays in their element, see the impact of photography for conservation and research, and more9 Photo by Andy Murch | Broadnose Sevengill Shark (Notorynchus cepedianus) in South Africa the impact of photography Next >